BiomMedD' 2024

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I have the pleasure to announce the 10th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BIOMMEDD’2024 which will be held in Bucharest, Romania, October 10-12th, 2024.

The aim of this event is to bring together scientists from biomaterials, medical devices and tissue engineering research with clinicians from medical fields who use in clinical practice the implants and prostheses made from various biomaterials. Clinicians from different specialties (dentistry, orthopedics, and neurosurgery, cardiovascular and other surgery) will be here to present their results on the clinical performance of current medical devices and debates on the translation of biomaterials and tissue engineering research into clinical practice. The choice of the keynote speakers will bring on stage home some of the best scientist from the field of biomaterials, tissue engineering and medical devices.

Round table discussions intended to promote interdisciplinary research projects will be organized and a technical exhibition will run in parallel with the scientific sessions.

The conference will also host a Young Scientists Forum who could promote new ways of communicating and thinking on the research and educational aspects, and the General Assembly of the Romanian Society for Biomaterials.

We look forward to seeing you all in Bucharest!

Yours sincerely,

Antoniac Iulian

Conference President 



The conference will hold at Central Library from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.

Address: Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, sector 6


• Biomaterials

• Tissue engineering

• Clinical applications of biomaterials, medical devices and their performance in cardiovascular surgery

• Clinical applications of biomaterials, medical devices and their performance in orthopedic surgery

• Clinical applications of biomaterials, medical devices and their performance in neurosurgery

• Clinical applications of biomaterials, medical devices and their performance in dentistry

• Biomechanics

• Surface engineering

• Scaffolds

• Pharmacology and drug delivery

• Biocompatibility

• Nanotechnology

• Regenerative medicine

• Biofabrication 

Call for Papers

During the conference, a large series of keynote and invited lectures will be presented. 

All the abstracts submitted will be designed to their topics.

Abstracts either for posters or oral presentations are welcomed and should be submitted using the template format, after submitting registration form on the online platform.

All abstracts will be refereed, and a criterion of rejection will be lack of originality. 

Notification of acceptance or rejection by the Scientific Committee will be mailed to the the registered author.

The intending author should submit an abstract of no more than 300 words

Abstracts will be submitted in English and sent to the Scientific Secretariat through the email address 

All registered participants will have the opportunity to present their papers in a specific format for posters that will be presented in electronic format.

Each presenting author can submit a maximum of two abstracts but can be co-authors for an unlimited number of abstracts. 

Please email the conference secretariat at with details of any revisions or queries.

All accepted abstracts will be published as BIOMMEDD 2024 Proceeding.

BiomMedD' 2024

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